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Keep Mansfield Beautiful

Published: January 19, 2016

The Keep Mansfield Beautiful Commission has been a part of the community for almost 30 years! We have supported many community projects such as Beautification Day, Household Hazardous Waste Collections, city-wide litter cleanup and events like Creekside Cleanup and Mansfield Trash-Off. We have managed the Adopt-A-Street program with more than 40 businesses and organizations who share the same passion to keep litter off the streets and our community clean.

With your help and involvement as a volunteer, Keep Mansfield Beautiful can provide meaningful, sustainable programs that not only keep our city litter-free, but also safe and beautiful. Volunteers are the heart and soul for the success of these programs. Each volunteer hour saves the city thousands of dollars every year and instills a pride that is invaluable.

We invite you to attend our "Love Your City" informational meeting February 8th at 5:30pm to learn more about these programs and how you can make a difference in Mansfield.

Please R.S.V.P to KMBC@Mansfield.Gov

KMBC Informational Meeting Location:
Mansfield Service Center Community Room
620 S. Wisteria Street
Mansfield, TX 76063

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